Welcome by Norbert Edelmann...

...I am your host to the town of Nuremberg,
come and stroll through ancient inns,
churches, the imperial castle, historic town
squares and graveyards; experience scenes
both sacred and profane!

My first tours began long ago with local and
foreign office colleagues, and visitors, as an
after work pursuit. Then followed a successful
introduction of the city to an entire church choir,
and since 1999, I have been a volunteer guide
of the St. Lorenz tower and church. From there,
my experience has continued to grow and I
receive many commendations on my tour guide

Now, I have been living for fourty years in
Nuremberg and want to share my love,
knowledge, and enthusiasm for this
wonderful city and its people with you.
I can show you streets, unusual places,
nooks and corners, churches, theatres,
and original architect.
Whether you are a visitor, traveller,
or interested citizen, please join me in
my journey of discovery around Nuremberg.
I am looking forward to meeting you!

      Yours sincerely

                Norbert Edelmann

       Touristen- und Senioren-Begleit-Service
Tour Guide Services For Visitors To Our Town

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